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Veterans Legal Services hosted its 30th anniversary virtual celebration on Wednesday, June 9 and it was an incredible evening. Headlined by former VLS clients and featuring VLS board members, staff, and partners, the event gave evidence to an undeniable truth: civil legal aid is an essential service!


Thank you to VLS's fantastic event sponsors. Their generosity and support enable VLS to provide high-impact legal services free of charge to military veterans throughout Massachusetts.


5-STAR SPONSORS ($15,000)

4-STAR SPONSORS ($10,000)

Rosemary and Richard Allen


3-STAR SPONSORS ($5,000)

Robin and
Ed Orazem

Michael Douvadjian

Allan and
Nancy Ryan


Bill and
Diane Asher

Eileen and
Jack Connors Jr. 

Ben Cammarata

Daniel Boyle

2-STAR SPONSORS ($2,500)

Pequot Charitable Foundation

Brian Carty

Jordan and Jean Krasnow

Nicholas Hasenfus

Raymond DeSabato

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Donahue Jr.

Beth and James Kundert

James P. Whitters III and Susan Moore

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